
The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking.                

Third Tradition, 12 Traditions of AA

Seaway Valley North District 48 AA Committee Table Meeting is held at 7PM on the first Tuesday of each month, at the Winchester United Church, Winchester.  
All AA members are welcome to attend.

Use the link below to join us on Zoom.
Click here to join our district zoom meeting


AA Seaway Valley North District 48​​

District Sub-Committees

There are many ways to be of service to AA and our fellow members. Twelve Step work and serving at our home group are but two examples.   There are a number of service sub-committees that exist within

the District.  Our various District Sub-Committees  are listed below.  If you feel called to serve on any of these committees,  please complete the contact information on the contact form at the left.    Please note there are some positions that have a pre-requisite for minimum periods of sobriety.  District Officers are as follows:

Order Literature here

District Committee Member  (Margaret S)

Alternate District Committee Member  (Denis C)

Treasurer (Shawn P)

Accessibility (Matt C)

Corrections & Treatment Facilities  (Gerry S)

Public Information/Co-operation with the Professional Community (Gerald C)

District 48 Literature (Mike M)

Self Support (Rachel L)

Grapevine (Norman H)


Webmaster (Ben C)

Secretary/Registrar (Risa D)